We are hiring for a new position: Associate Director. The Healing WELL is a place of hope in the Tenderloin neighborhood, the community is vibrant and the small team is strong.

We're looking for someone with supervision and management experience who  thrives amidst an array of opportunities.  With  our mission to build wellness and leadership within the Tenderloin community, we seek a person knowledgeable around the strengths and challenges associated with poverty and homelessness, substance use disorders and mental and physical health challenges.  Click here to see the job description.

If you or someone you know are ready to offer wisdom, tap into the giftedness of others and experience personal growth, please submit a cover letter and resume to The Healing WELL:  admin@healingwellsf.org.

Click here for more info

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with the deadline:  Friday, May 3, 2024.


The Healing WELL lets me come out of my shell; it brings out a neat part of myself that wasn’t being utilized and nurtured. It has opened up opportunities for me - physically, like with yoga, and emotionally and spiritually through the recovery group. Now I have hope for the future.

SG, Participant

Banner photo by Chelsea Tucker, ChelseaSees.com