Featured Publications
San Francisco Chronicle
The SF Chronicle wrote an article about the Healing Well and just how healing it is for the people who walk through the doors.
The Healing Well, and another Tenderloin neighborhood organization, Hospitality House, were featured in a KQED Radio article. It speaks about the therapeutic power of creative expression.
Street Sheet
Click the image to see the artistic reporting done by The Coalition on Homelessnes's Street Sheet SF, which gives the story of The Healing Well and the amazing home of Faithful Fools.
The Healing WELL is featured on ABC7 News
Tenderloin Community Benefit District/
TL Together
The Healing Well was featured in The Tenderloin Community Benefit District #TL Together website. The article speaks about all of the programs and benefits that the Healing Well offers to its members.
Voices of Hope
Click on the image to read the Healing Well feature in the Voices of Hope publication. Kathy speaks on the value of every human being and the importance of acknowledging the whole human.